Aerodrome Revival

  /  Aerodrome Revival

Aerodrome Revival

On a summer’s week-end, people from East of France, Switzerland and Germany met at Besançon-Thise’s Airfield for this Aerodrome Revival. What is called the « Eight Ball Day » by local organizers better known as Teddy Cruisers sets a moving show that be on the ground and in the air.

You are thrilled by the homogeneous atmosphere that is brought out by Cadillacs, Desotos, Buicks, rat-custom vehicles. Campervans are included, with special mention to Airstreams fleets. People also fit in, being dressed up with vintage clothes and accessories. Sounds coming from rockabilly music groups. Chattering before we hear Spitfires pass hedgehopping a few meters over the car park and the audience. It is one of the rarest place in Europe where I’ve seen this proximity with old ages and machines that security prevent to approach that much.

Need more fuel? Read about the Ferté-Alais airshow.

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